David Caudle
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Comments (57)
Hi Jazzy Girl! Thank you for passing the site on to others and last but not least, thank you for the very kind comments.
Hello David! Just learned of you and your music today from Peggy! I love it! Only you and This love of mine- sweet! I'll be letting others know about you as well. Good music needs to be passed on.
Hi Ramolly,
Thank you for listening and the very nice compliment!! Hope you'll come back.
Beautiful bass line, this is a fine production with incredible energy between the percussion and piano lines, Love the smooth guitar throughout, very nice!!!
Hi Laurel, and thank you for the nice compliment. We have an old saying down here in the southern states, "if you want it done right, then do it yourself". I would amend that to say, " if you want done right and you can do it yourself, then do it. You're the one that has to be happy with the end results". And you are very welcome.
Hope you'll come back !!